35 diagram of convergent boundary
This is a long post that puts a spotlight on the following topics: - Consciousness - Spiritual Alchemy & Liberation - Hieros Gamos (Holy Marriage) - Heaven is the Sun - Aliens - who/what/when/where/how? - The relationship between Fear, Evil, & Love - Humans evolved from Lions - Reality is an infinite, negentropic, holofractal Lorenz system - Matter - Earth grid evolution - Isis and Osiris as Female-Male blueprint - The Demiurge is your parents - Jungian Active Imagination - Synchronicit... Hey guys, I've been working on a procedural generation algorithm for spherical maps which will be used in a transport tycoon game. I wanted a hex-mesh (similar to Civ), but since this is a transport game I wanted proper handling of poles/great circles. I found a great [blog post](https://experilous.com/1/blog/post/procedural-planet-generation#subdividedIcosahedrons) to get me going, but there was a lot to figure out. Here's what I've got so far: https://puu.sh/qCJLD/186eb1be7e.jpg I'll briefl...
Mills was made famous by Steve Spurrier, he used it to torture teams that liked to run quarters coverage or Cover 4, but you can use it against Cover 1, also. Mills is just a post-dig two-man concept, outside receiver runs a post route, inside receiver runs a dig route. [Diagram of Mills concept, Z runs dig, X runs post, except in #4 where Y runs dig, Z runs post](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiTiURfJHskMM3ji-u9tCCCmmW1ovYLc8n3SO68Zt5LDa6x4MU1a2zD7TUpiGLqBHexIMkj_G3YkjIkqhQ-YfF_lcnA1esex6K6Gu_MQA8ZwZGZj_2rkC2NbTkQS7MvoGszWq4TZ0lh1FLQ/s1600/Mills.png) The idea is to bait the deep safety to...
Diagram of convergent boundary
Hello, people. Can you help me debunk some creationist arguments against evolution? I already know the answers to argument 1 and arguments 2, but i don't know how to respond to the rest of the arguments. Last time, the moderator of r/DebateEvolution told me that my publication didn't contain enough information, so this time i decided to copy and paste the text from the website, instead of only giving link to the website. The text is copied from Conservapedia, you will see the link to the Con... I'll try to present my problem as efficiently as i can. We're looking at shapes, described by NURBS curves (non-rational uniformal B-splines) and know all control points. Therefore, we know all points on the perimeter of the shape. It is given that the boundary is closed, and does not cross itself. We are looking to describe the *local connectivity value*(lcv) of each point on the curve. Numerically, you would attempt to solve this by taking a set number of points, let's say 1001, and interconne... It is due to some research and concentration that i have found it. I will explain it all, but first, let's just explain what the world of Danganronpa actually is. Is it a fictional verse? Is it real? I will show all of you right now, so just fasten your seat belts, because it's gonna be a very looooooong ride. With that out of the way, let's get this show on the road! **First: Tsumugi's abilities' explanation:** Now, all of you think that Tsumugi is your normal plain Otaku cosplayer, from all...
Diagram of convergent boundary. This is a long post that puts a spotlight on the following topics: \- Consciousness \- Spiritual Alchemy & Liberation \- Hieros Gamos (Holy Marriage) \- Heaven is the Sun \- Aliens - who/what/when/where/how? \- The relationship between Fear, Evil, & Love \- Humans evolved from Lions \- Reality is an infinite, negentropic, holofractal Lorenz system \- Matter \- Earth grid evolution \- Isis and Osiris as Female-Male blueprint \- The Demiurge is your parents \- J... I'm working on a series of hardcover notebooks for the small company that my wife and run. Each notebook in the series is going to have a cover that represents a different field within science (Math, Biology, Geology, Physics, etc). Each discipline will be represented by a simple graphic on the cover. For the geology cover I was thinking a diagram of a convergent plate boundary. Geology Cover: [https://imgur.com/a/NTs9Kmd](https://imgur.com/a/NTs9Kmd) Do you all here think that is a good ... This is a long post that puts a spotlight on the following topics: - Consciousness - Spiritual Alchemy & Liberation - Hieros Gamos (Holy Marriage) - Heaven is the Sun - Aliens - who/what/when/where/how? - The relationship between Fear, Evil, & Love - Humans evolved from Lions - Reality is an infinite, negentropic, holofractal Lorenz system - Matter - Earth grid evolution - Isis and Osiris as Female-Male blueprint - The Demiurge is your parents - Jungian Active Imagination - Synchronicit... This is probably not unique to Mormonism, but as a faithful Mormon kid, I learned that there were marine fossils at the top of Mount Everest and this "proved" our faith Noah's flood with "science". As an adult, I'm a geologist and Noah's flood was ironically what led me to r/exmormon, the CES Letter, and my post-Mormon life, after I asked, "*If scripture was so wrong about Noah's flood, as proven by the stratiform deposits of sedimentary rock at the summit, what else is scripture wrong about?*"...
**Verified?** *(This bot cannot verify AMAs just yet)* **Date:** 2012-09-16 **[Link to submission](http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/zz1rg/)** (*Has self-text*) **[Link to my post](http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/zz1rg/tabledresser/c698jtu)** Questions|Answers :--|:-- [What is your professional opinion of violence in video games?](http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/zz1rg/iama_academic_who_studies_what_why_and_how_people/c68ybmm?context=5)|I figured this would be quick to come ... Alright guys and gals. I got this assignment, and completed half of it, but I'm unable to complete the other half. So can you please help me out? 1. Draw a schematic profile of ocean depth perpendicular to the Tonga-Kermadec plate boundary. 2. Briefly describe in words how the ocean depth changes as you approach and cross the Tonga-Kermadec plate boundary from East to West. 3. Compare the distribution and depths of earthquakes shown for the mid-Atlantic plate boundary and the Tonga-Kermadec... I'll try to present my problem as efficiently as i can. We're looking at shapes, described by NURBS curves (non-rational uniformal B-splines) and know all control points. Therefore, we know all points on the perimeter of the shape. It is given that the boundary is closed, and does not cross itself. We are looking to describe the local connectivity value(lcv) of each point on the curve. Numerically, you would attempt to solve this by taking a set number of points, let's say 1001, and interconnect... Convergence and Contingency I scream: One-man Sturm und Drang – o! – Only in my head: that Ballsack Brain – so I open my mouth, words won’t come out: Gorged with chaos in tight bundles of light - waiting to erupt – and I. . . finally. . .: Do not just be, burn. Say!: The fire is not the problem, - yes! - the candle is. Birth: META-COUPLING: {1, a, 2, b}’’ Or {1’,a’,2’,b’}’ A Study on the Direction(less)[ness] of Self-aware Narrative The purpose of this paper in overly minimalistic ...
I don't know if this is the right sub to post to but here goes. If this doesn't belong here, I can take it down and post it wherever y'all recommend. So, I am an EE student trying to create a MATLAB script to find the voltage at different parts of self-defined array through the Finite Difference Method. Basically, I have to go through each array element, average the four elements around it and put that averaged value in the original location [so basically for an arbitrary point Vi,j = 1/4(Vi+1,... Disclaimer: I'm no mathematician; I'm somewhat acquainted with theory but nowhere near a legit theoretician. I work in applied optimisation, but I read proofs quite a bit (like the ones you encounter when you study linear/convex optimisation). The educational institutions I attended weren't the greatest and I've had to supplement with a lot of self-study. I've done a bit of analysis here and there. All of this is to say that I understand that my opinions on theory might not be the most credible.... This is a long post that puts a spotlight on the following topics: - Consciousness - Spiritual Alchemy & Liberation - Hieros Gamos (Holy Marriage) - Heaven is the Sun - Aliens - who/what/when/where/how? - The relationship between Fear, Evil, & Love - Humans evolved from Lions - Reality is an infinite, negentropic, holofractal Lorenz system - Matter - Earth grid evolution - Isis and Osiris as Female-Male blueprint - The Demiurge is your parents - Jungian Active Imagination - Synchronicit... *This is part of chasing 101, a course to help people who are new to chasing learn the fundamental skills to chase productively and safely. They are meant as both information and as a forum for discussion. You can find all completed lessons on the right sidebar* ******* A front is the interaction between two airmasses of different density forced to interact by a low pressure system. Each airmass has a distinct combination of temperature and moisture, and where that changes most rapidly can b...
This is a long post that puts a spotlight on the following topics: \- Consciousness \- Spiritual Alchemy & Liberation \- Hieros Gamos (Holy Marriage) \- Heaven is the Sun \- Aliens - who/what/when/where/how? \- The relationship between Fear, Evil, & Love \- Humans evolved from Lions \- Reality is an infinite, negentropic, holofractal Lorenz system \- Matter \- Earth grid evolution \- Isis and Osiris as Female-Male blueprint \- The Demiurge is your parents \- J...
This is a long post that puts a spotlight on the following topics: \- Consciousness \- Spiritual Alchemy & Liberation \- Hieros Gamos (Holy Marriage) \- Heaven is the Sun \- Aliens - who/what/when/where/how? \- The relationship between Fear, Evil, & Love \- Humans evolved from Lions \- Reality is an infinite, negentropic, holofractal Lorenz system \- Matter \- Earth grid evolution \- Isis and Osiris as Female-Male blueprint \- The Demiurge is your parents \- J...
The CCIE LAB solution is same as PASSHOT that has not much change but has encountered some problems. **TS1:** Q1 R101 did not get ip, view SW2's e1/0 is err-dis but R101's e0/0 configuration is ip that add dhcp cli e0/0 Host1 and no configuration mac. At first it feels very strange that R8 Show run | s dhcp. It is also a 3 address pool which is easy to receive interference. At first, according to the R8's mac to modify, roll SW2 did not get up and later based on R101's show int e0/0 mac to m...
As an ecologist and anthropologist there are some things I see repeated and thought some tips might be appreciated ___ **Rivers**: - run from high elevation to low, usually along the least energy path (shortest path in terms of energy cost). - converge from small streams to larger ones and the angle formed by the intersection of those streams points downhill/downslope. - *may* branch in the direction of flow when they meet a lake or sea, forming an estuary or a delta. - do not conn...
Alright guys and gals. I got this assignment, and completed half of it, but I'm unable to complete the other half. So can you please help me out? 1. Draw a schematic profile of ocean depth perpendicular to the Tonga-Kermadec plate boundary. 2. Briefly describe in words how the ocean depth changes as you approach and cross the Tonga-Kermadec plate boundary from East to West. 3. Compare the distribution and depths of earthquakes shown for the mid-Atlantic plate boundary and the Tonga-Kermadec...
It is due to some research and concentration that i have found it. I will explain it all, but first, let's just explain what the world of Danganronpa actually is. Is it a fictional verse? Is it real? I will show all of you right now, so just fasten your seat belts, because it's gonna be a very looooooong ride. With that out of the way, let's get this show on the road! **First: Tsumugi's abilities' explanation:** Now, all of you think that Tsumugi is your normal plain Otaku cosplayer, from all...
I'll try to present my problem as efficiently as i can. We're looking at shapes, described by NURBS curves (non-rational uniformal B-splines) and know all control points. Therefore, we know all points on the perimeter of the shape. It is given that the boundary is closed, and does not cross itself. We are looking to describe the *local connectivity value*(lcv) of each point on the curve. Numerically, you would attempt to solve this by taking a set number of points, let's say 1001, and interconne...
Hello, people. Can you help me debunk some creationist arguments against evolution? I already know the answers to argument 1 and arguments 2, but i don't know how to respond to the rest of the arguments. Last time, the moderator of r/DebateEvolution told me that my publication didn't contain enough information, so this time i decided to copy and paste the text from the website, instead of only giving link to the website. The text is copied from Conservapedia, you will see the link to the Con...
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