39 consider the diagram. lines a and d are
d) Any time to design solutions to problems . Answer: Option (d) 28. A flowchart . a) Helps you plan out computer code . b) is a type of graphic diagram that represents an algorithm, c) Uses shapes to help organize a process . d) All of the above Answer: Option (d) 29. What shape represents the start and end of a flowchart
Below points show how to go about creating an ER diagram. Identify all the entities in the system. An entity should appear only once in a particular diagram. Create rectangles for all entities and name them properly. Identify relationships between entities. Connect them using a line and add a diamond in the middle describing the relationship.
The line segment joining points P and Q connects two parallel lines, as shown in the figure. The point R is d units from P. How far from Q should the point S be chosen so that the sum of the areas of

Consider the diagram. lines a and d are
User: Consider the diagram. Parallel lines r and s are cut by transversal q. On line r where it intersects line q, 4 angles are created. Labeled clockwise, from uppercase left, the angles are: 2, 4, 3, 1. On line s where it intersects line q, 4 angles are created. Labeled clockwise, from uppercase left, the angles are: 6, 8, 7, 5.
a. The diagram shows the case where \(\overline{A B}\) contains the center of the circle. Use the Tangent Line to Circle Theorem (Theorem 10.1) to write a paragraph proof for this case. b. Draw a diagram and write a proof for the case where the center of the circle is in the interior of ∠CAB.
The figure below shows the block diagram of a demultiplexer or simply a DEMUX. It consists of 1 input line, 'n' output lines and 'm' select lines. In this, m select lines are required to produce 2 m possible output lines (consider 2 m = n). For example, a 1-to-4 demultiplexer requires 2 (2 2 = 4) select lines to control the 4 output lines.
Consider the diagram. lines a and d are.
In the diagram, the only figure that could be parallel to line c is ... What must be the value of x so that lines c and d are parallel lines cut by ...
The two straight line in the diagram intersect each other to form two pairs of vertical angles. These are <x and <z, and <y and w. The only statement from the given options that is true is m∠x + m∠y = 180. This is because they are angles in a straight line. The sun of angles in a straight line is 180°.
Visualizing Solutions to ODEs. In this lab, we are going to investigate differential equations of the form. (1) dy⁄dx = ƒ (x,y) using direction fields (also called slope fields). The direction field of this differential equation is a diagram in the (x,y) plane in which there is a small line segment drawn with slope ƒ (x,y) at the point (x,y ...
Consider the line diagram of truss shown above and find the answers to the following questions: 27. What is the length a ? (a) 30 m (b) 20 m (c) 34.6 m (d) 17.32 m ... → d = 34.6 m (c) Learn more:- The diagram shows two planks are slanted on a vertical wall. Express cot x in terms of p. brainly.in/question/24608435. Advertisement
Phase diagram is a graphical representation of the physical states of a substance under different conditions of temperature and pressure. A typical phase diagram has pressure on the y-axis and temperature on the x-axis. As we cross the lines or curves on the phase diagram, a phase change occurs. In addition, two states of the substance coexist ...
4) 2x(x + 15) = 0. 3 In the accompanying diagram, lines a and b are parallel, and lines c and d are transversals. Which angle is congruent to angle 8?9 pages
Jun 27, 2017 — Lines A and D are A)non-coplanar. B)parallel. C)perpendicular. D)skew.2 answers · Top answer: Answer: C) perpendicularExplanation:Lines A and D are perpendicular because(a) they intersect, ...
Consider the diagram. Planes M and N intersect at line d. Lines a, b, and e are on plane M. Line a is vertical and forms a right angle with line d. Line b is diagonal and goes up and to the right. Line e is at the top of the plane and is close to being horizontal. Line c is on plane N and goes slightly up and to the right. Lines a and d are non ...
ER Model stands for Entity Relationship Model is a high-level conceptual data model diagram. ER model helps to systematically analyze data requirements to produce a well-designed database. The ER Model represents real-world entities and the relationships between them. Creating an ER Model in DBMS is considered as a best practice before ...
Consider the following circuit involving a positive edge triggered D FF. Consider the following timing diagram. Let Ai represent the logic level on the line A in the i-th clock period. Let A' represent the complement of A. The correct output sequence on Y over the clock periods 1 through 5 is (A) A0 Al A1′ A3 A4 (B) A0 Al A2′ A3 A4
To simplify the differential equation let's divide out the mass, m m. dv dt = g − γv m (1) (1) d v d t = g − γ v m. This then is a first order linear differential equation that, when solved, will give the velocity, v v (in m/s), of a falling object of mass m m that has both gravity and air resistance acting upon it.
A Hasse diagram is a graphical representation of the relation of elements of a partially ordered set (poset) with an implied upward orientation.A point is drawn for each element of the partially ordered set (poset) and joined with the line segment according to the following rules: If p<q in the poset, then the point corresponding to p appears lower in the drawing than the point corresponding to q.
From the given set of n+1 input variables, the n least significant variables are used as selection line inputs. The 2 n inputs for 2 n: 1 multiplexer are derived by using an implementation table. The implementation table has all the inputs(D 0, D 1, D 2, D 3,…) for the multiplexer, under which, all the minterms are listed in two rows.
AD is a line of symmetry. Find the area of the polygon. The figure below shows a triangle ABC. a) Using a ruler and a pair of compasses, determine a point D on the line BC; such that BD:DC = 1:2. b) Find the area of triangle ABD, given that AB = AC. A boat at point x is 200 m to the south of point Y. The boat sails X to another
Line d intersects lines a and b. In the diagram, line c is a transversal of lines a and . Answers: 2 Show answers Another question on Mathematics. Mathematics, 21.06.2019 16:00. On a piece of paper graph f(x)=5•(0.4)^x. Answers: 1. Answer. Mathematics, 21.06.2019 17:00. The tuition costs, c, for a local community college are modeled by c(h ...
The diagram is as shown. Consider a rectangular path abed of length L as shown in the figure below. Let us apply Ampere's circuital law to this rectangular path so that we have But by Ampere's circuital law we have \(\oint \vec{B} \cdot \vec{d} L\) = μ 0 Nl = μ0(nL)l …(2) From equations (1) and (2) we have BL = μ 0 nLl or B = μ 0 n l
Consider the diagram. Lines a and d are. perpendicular. Rating: 4.9 · 58 reviews
The below figure shows the block diagram of a multiplexer consisting of n input lines, m selection lines and one output line. If there are m selection lines, then the number of possible input lines is 2 m.Alternatively, we can say that if the number of input lines is equal to 2 m, then m selection lines are required to select one of n (consider 2 m = n) input lines.
Questions. math---help! connections academy! check my answers. pls help asap! check my answers: In the diagram, lines m and n are parallel. If m¡Ð2 = 150¡Æ, ...29 answers · 0 votes: this you get all this question right?! im in the same quick check!
DBMS mcq Questions and Answer. Q.31 The following diagram represents the dependent entity from an Entity Relationship diagram: Select the characteristics which are represented by the above diagram. (a) Birth Date is a derived attribute. (b) Gender is an atomic attribute. (C) Address is a multivalued attribute.
The precedence diagram method has an important role in project management. Your project schedule depends on it, and it is a good communication tool. It is commonly referred to as AON, where nodes represent activities. AOA diagram is a special case precedence diagram where nodes represent milestones and duration is shown on the arrow.
The A.C current of low voltage can be transported up to long distances in comparison with D.C current of low voltage due to the property of electromagnetic induction in A.C current. Q3. Answer question numbers 3(a) to 3(d) and 4(a) to 4(d) on the basis of your understanding of the following paragraphs and the related studied concepts.
d) Primary key. Consider a directed line(->) from the relationship set advisor to both entity sets instructor and student. This indicates _____ cardinality a) One to many b) One to one c) Many to many d) Many to one; We indicate roles in E-R diagrams by labeling the lines that connect _____ to _____ a) Diamond , diamond b) Rectangle, diamond
Before reviewing how to draw a piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID), let's review a couple of key concepts. A P&ID is an important engineering document that shows the interconnection of process equipment and instrumentation to control the design system.P&IDs provide the primary schematic drawing used for detailed engineering
Oct 28, 2021 · 1 answerAnswer: C) perpendicular. Explanation: Lines A and D are perpendicular because (a) they intersect, and (b) the angle between them is marked ...
96. To consider the consequence of uncertainly on project management, laws on project management are developed. One of which is "A careless planned project will take _____ times longer to complete than expected". A. Three . B. Four . C. Two . D. Two and a half
The diagram below shows an mRNA molecule that encodes a protein with 202 amino acids. The start and stop codons are highlighted, and a portion of the nucleotide sequence in the early part of the molecule is shown in detail. ... For example, consider these two proteins: 1) Phosphofructokinase (PFK) is an enzyme that functions in the cytoplasm ...
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Consider the diagram. Lines A and D areA)non-coplanarB)parallelC)perpendicularD)skew. Related Answer. Skew lines are : More Related Question & Answers.
Coplanar Points: Definition. Coplanar points are three or more points which lie in the same plane. Recall that a plane is a flat surface which extends without end in all directions. It's usually ...
Consider the usual algorithm for determining whether a sequence of parentheses is balanced. The maximum number of parentheses that appear on the stack AT ANY ONE TIME when the algorithm analyzes: (()(())(()))? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 or more Consider the usual algorithm for determining whether a sequence of parentheses is balanced.
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